STEM In Class
1:1 Technology
Cristo Rey puts a laptop in the hands of every student. Students research, take notes, use apps to virtually mix chemical experiments, study human anatomy, prep for SAT, and create multimedia projects.
Technology is a cornerstone that supports the classroom experience and opens doors to resources in and out of school.
Student workers know that tech isn't just transforming the workplace - it is the workplace. Whether working in-person or remotely, sharp tech skills ensure workplace productivity.
Zero Barriers: Building a STEM Mindset
STEM education embeds the skills needed to succeed in the global economy. In 2014, Cristo Rey launched a STEM initiative to bring project-based, data-driven and hands-on learning into the classroom.
Cristo Rey students enjoy exposure in three distinct STEM pathways:
- bio-medical sciences - Human Body Systems and Anatomy and Physiology
- engineering - Introduction to Engineering and FIRST Robotics
- mathematics - all students take four years of math, including Pre-AP, AP and ACCP curriculum